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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Info Post

The Bonfire Night began as a rite in the seventeenth century.  'the Feast of Saint Anthony, patron saint of animals and the farming community. The first bonfires were lit to ward off the plague, which in 1656, Nusco recorded 1200 victims. In the kingdom of Naples, in the late seventeenth century, bread prepared with the purest of the fat of a pig was distributed. It was a sort of ointment to treat herpes zoster infection, known as "shingles." The fires were then lit the places but also to purify the body, citing the miraculous virtues of St. Anthony.

Let's fast forward to January 2011...
January 14, at 1600hrs at the Seminary of Nusco with the presentation of the book "The Castle of Nusco - history and archeology." Afterwards, around 1900hrs, the food stands will open up..

On 15 January, beginning at 10 am at the Archdiocesan Seminary, there will be round table discussion on the theme "Towards the construction of a competitive tourism product: Irpinia and its potential." Speakers; Giuseppe De Mita, Regional Minister for Tourism and Vice-President of the Regional Council of Campania, and the sociologist Domenico De Masi.

From 1700 hrs on - Mayor Giuseppe De Mita will light the first bonfire –and then every area of the village will be lit by a large fire. The ignition of the fire ritual is accompanied by the explosion of fireworks and a lot of beautiful music.

Starting at 1800 "Et Lux Fuit". An opportunity to walk, led by a street light, the charming streets of the village of Nusco enchanted by the beauty of fire, the spirit of the festival and the flow of music.

Starting at 1900, you can taste the typical winter dishes accompanied by fine wines of Irpinia.

At midnight on January 15th "The dance of fire" with music and folk songs.

On Sunday, January 16, news that surely will meet the favor of the many visitors who flock to the historic center of Nusco. Starting at noon, in fact, there will be "The Bonfire Lunch" with food all cooked on the grill. A Sunday lunch in style according to the rhythms and customs of civilization.

Monday, January 17, The Feast of Saint Anthony" The bonfires will be set ablaze at 1800 hrs.

For more information on this hot ticket...


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